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Animal Personality Test Pdf

Discover Your Animal Personality: Are You an Otter, Lion, Golden Retriever, or Beaver?


Have you ever wondered what animal you're most like in terms of personality? If so, you're not alone. Animal personality tests have become increasingly popular as a fun and insightful way to explore our own unique traits and behaviors. One of the most well-known animal personality tests is the Four Animals Personality Type Test, which assigns you a dominant and sub-dominant animal type based on your responses to a series of questions.

The Otter Personality

The otter personality is often compared to Tigger from Winnie the Pooh. Otters are known for being playful, energetic, and optimistic. They're always up for a good time and love to be around others. Otters are also very curious and love to explore new things. If you're an otter personality, you're likely to be a social butterfly who loves to be the center of attention. You're also likely to be creative and have a great sense of humor.

The Four Animals Personality Test

The Four Animals Personality Test is based on the work of Dr. John M. Gottman, a renowned relationship expert. Gottman's research has shown that there are four basic personality types: Lion, Otter, Golden Retriever, and Beaver. Each personality type has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. By understanding your own animal personality type, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and how you interact with others.

To take the Four Animals Personality Test, simply answer the following questions:

  1. Do you like to be the center of attention?
  2. Are you always up for a good time?
  3. Do you love to explore new things?
  4. Are you creative and have a great sense of humor?
  5. Are you a social butterfly?
  6. Do you like to be in control?
  7. Are you a natural leader?
  8. Are you always looking for a challenge?
  9. Are you independent and self-sufficient?
  10. Are you loyal and protective of your loved ones?
  11. Are you always willing to lend a helping hand?
  12. Are you a hard worker?
  13. Are you always looking for ways to improve yourself?
  14. Are you a perfectionist?

Once you've answered all of the questions, add up the number of times you answered "yes" to each question. The animal personality type with the highest number of "yes" answers is your dominant animal personality type. The animal personality type with the second highest number of "yes" answers is your sub-dominant animal personality type.


The Four Animals Personality Test is a fun and insightful way to explore your own unique personality traits and behaviors. By understanding your own animal personality type, you can gain a better understanding of yourself and how you interact with others. This knowledge can help you build stronger relationships, make better decisions, and live a more fulfilling life.
